Prossime Fiere ed Eventi


Angiolo Frasconi presenterà la nuova collezione Primavera-Estate 2019 nei seguenti appuntamenti:
Tessuti in lino e cotone leggeri, nuove fantasie estive, oltre a cappelli in paglia per tutti i giorni ed un vasto assortimento di cappelli da cerimonia. La nuova collezione Angiolo Frasconi ha una impronta innovativa anche sul fronte della lavorazione e delle forme. Questo è ciò che troverete nella nuova collezione estiva Angiolo Frasconi per il 2019, ricerca ed innovazione nei materiali e nel design di ogni modello, tenendo ben saldi i cardini della produzione artigianale e del Made in Italy.
Per ulteriori informazioni e ricevere un invito agli eventi in calendario, potete contattarci attraverso l’apposito form.

Next Shows and Events


Angiolo Frasconi will present the new Spring-Summer collection 2019 during the following appointments:
Linen and cotton fabrics, new fancy and colored fabrics as well as straw hats, cerimony hats and panama hats. This is what you will find in the new Spring-Summer collection by Angiolo Frasconi for 2019: research and innovation in the materials and design in each style, keeping the hubs of craftsmanship and Made in Italy.
For more information and for receiving an invitation to these calendar events, you can contact us through the form.


Next Shows and Events


Angiolo Frasconi will present the new Spring-Summer collection 2019 during the following appointments:
Linen and cotton fabrics, new fancy and colored fabrics as well as straw hats, cerimony hats and panama hats. This is what you will find in the new Spring-Summer collection by Angiolo Frasconi for 2019: research and innovation in the materials and design in each style, keeping the hubs of craftsmanship and Made in Italy.
For more information and for receiving an invitation to these calendar events, you can contact us through the form.


Next Shows and Events


Angiolo Frasconi will present the new Spring-Summer collection 2019 during the following appointments:
Linen and cotton fabrics, new fancy and colored fabrics as well as straw hats, cerimony hats and panama hats. This is what you will find in the new Spring-Summer collection by Angiolo Frasconi for 2019: research and innovation in the materials and design in each style, keeping the hubs of craftsmanship and Made in Italy.
For more information and for receiving an invitation to these calendar events, you can contact us through the form.


Next Shows and Events


Angiolo Frasconi will present the new Spring-Summer collection 2019 during the following appointments:
Linen and cotton fabrics, new fancy and colored fabrics as well as straw hats, cerimony hats and panama hats. This is what you will find in the new Spring-Summer collection by Angiolo Frasconi for 2019: research and innovation in the materials and design in each style, keeping the hubs of craftsmanship and Made in Italy.
For more information and for receiving an invitation to these calendar events, you can contact us through the form.


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